The Program
The E.C.T. Program is delivered in a live on-line seminar format over two consecutive days, usually a weekend.
The seminars themselves are very casual, friendly, light- hearted and even entertaining. They are meant to be a mind opening experience and you can look forward to many ah-ha moments.
This is not a workshop. It's a seminar . There is absolutely no sharing of personal information. You are not expected to share your deepest darkest secrets, nor reveal anything to anyone at all. The seminar is not about retraumatising you, it’s about providing the understanding needed to identify the problem, and the means to resolve the problem; whatever it may be for you.
You’ll get a number of opportunities to ask questions, and will be provided with handouts and other supporting documentation. All you need bring is an open mind and a little ‘willingness’ to release the past in the present.
Day One is all about: Your mind, your past, and getting 'Effective Closure'.
- You will learn about the three different parts of your mind…
- Your conscious mind - The rational, decision making part of your mind that 'responds'…
- Your unconscious mind - The irrational part of your mind that stores your memories, controls your physical body and… 'reacts'...
- Your Superconscious Mind - The brilliant, creative, inspirational part of your mind. The part of your mind responsible for providing inspired thoughts and feelings, and removing 'un-inspired' thoughts and feelings...
- You'll learn about 'learning' and its role in causing reactions; reactive thoughts, reactive behaviours and reactive feelings; what creates them, why, and how to stop them. Also our well known instinctive reactions; the fight, flight, and freeze responses. Plus an alternative; the "Fourth Response" which is not instinctive, but can be learned and used in place of the fight flight and freeze responses...
- You'll learn what closure is, why we need it, and how to get it. Plus the impact past memories have in creating your future experiences...
- You will be able to see and appreciate the magnificent, yet simple logic behind the Effective Closure Technique, and as a final exercise, done in your own time on the evening between Day One and Day Two you'll apply it to your self, for yourself, by yourself!
Day Two is all about: Present, ongoing stresses and learning how to change your unconscious reactions in the future.
- You'll learn more about the relevance of the fight flight and freeze responses on a day to day basis...
- Gain a deeper understanding of how the "Fourth Response" can be applied to any challenging experience...
- You'll learn how and why some very specific yet simple breathing techniques can help calm your unconscious mind and put you back in control of your own mind...
- You'll learn about 'Mind-full-ness' What it is, how to achieve it, and how to know when you have 'lost it'...
- You'll learn an incredible, yet logical and understandable short-cut to experience one of the most useful skills of all: Mind-Silence...
- You'll experience a guided meditation that aims to give you an awareness of your Superconscious Mind, whilst simultaneously experiencing freedom from thought; mind silence...
- You will be given some exercises that you can use on a daily basis after the seminar concludes that will help make your new understandings 'habits of thought'…
- Plus we will provide a free Q & A evening a week or so after the seminar to answer any additional questions, and offer further encouragement and support!