What is it?
The Effective Closure program is a very fast, practical, effective and dynamic approach teaching you how to get freedom from…
- Compulsive Behaviour
- Insomnia
- Chronic Pain
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Compulsive Thinking
And a whole range of physical, mental and emotional disturbances.
You honestly can...
- Get your mind back under control...
- Go from being anxious to feeling calm...
- Beat depression and get your mojo back...
- Stop the incessant mental chatter in your head...
- Sleep like a baby...
- Get over chronic pain - Not by managing it; by eliminating the cause!
It really is all in your mind...
But Where?… and What are you going to do about it?
You've been calm in the past... You can be calm again!
You've slept like a baby in the past... You can do it again!
You've been pain-free in the past... You can be pain free again!
You've been happy in the past... You can be happy again!
Here’s the single biggest problem you didn’t even know you had...
There's a part of your mind that doesn't realise the past is actually in the past - It’s over! It's reacting as though the past is still happening in the present. This part of your mind is causing mental, physical and emotional disturbances. But what seriously sucks is... It will continue reacting until you get Effective Closure.
Register for a free info session.
We all experience the ups and downs of life - the "ups" are great… the downs suck!
Sometimes the downs are relatively minor; they only suck a bit! Other times they can be major; They suck a lot!… Absolutely traumatic, soul destroying experiences. They can leave us feeling a whole range of emotions that we would really rather not feel. When we experience one of life’s downs and the corresponding negative, unpleasant emotions that go with them, we really only seem have a few options available to…
Get over it and move on
Option #1
Try and put it out of our mind.
Resentfully accept it as one of life’s challenges. Suck it up, forget about it, and…move on. Sometimes this is easier said than done! Nonetheless, this is the most likely option we resort to. But, if we can’t put it out of our mind, we’ll try another option!
Option #2
Psychoanalyse it.
Dig deeply into our thoughts and feelings about the event in question. Desperately trying to rationalise what happened, why it happened, how it happened, and what we can do to make sure it never happens again! We try to come to terms with it. If we can’t come to terms with it, we are mostly likely to resort to one of the following options.
Option #3
Wallow in it.
This is a continuation of option 2. We conclude we can never come to terms with it. We mull it over in our minds. Ruminating – again and again… We torture ourselves with the feelings that just seem… Inescapable! We don’t want to feel the way we feel, but there doesn’t appear to be any other option. We can’t seem to put it out of our mind and forget about it. If we do manage to get it out of our mind for a while… it just seems to keep coming back. Some say you need to “forgive and forget”… but at times that’s just mission impossible! So, what do we do?
Option #4
Talk about it.
We find someone to listen to our story. We feel the need to be heard and understood. We want a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear, emotional support of some sort. A solution to the problem – a new point of view – one that we can accept. We might talk to a trusted friend, a family member, a work colleague. If it’s really bad, we might even seek professional help; a counsellor, a psychologist, a psychotherapist; and potentially… as a last resort – a psychiatrist!
Some of us just love to talk about our problems. Others hate it. They would sooner walk over broken glass and hot coals than talk about what’s “eating them up inside”…Sometimes, talking about it doesn’t really make the problem go away either.
But if none of these options work, how do you get over it and move on?
But what if nothing works?
- Option #1, trying to forget about it and move on doesn't work for you…
- Option #2, psychoanalysis also doesn't get the result you want…
- Option #3, wallowing in it doesn’t solve the problem…
- That only leaves you with Option #4, talk about it - but that can also be a little hit and miss...
You need to learn how to "let it go".
But how?
- By appreciating there is much more to your mind than you are presently aware
- By recognising there's a part of your mind that isn't capable of "letting it go"
- By learning there is an awesome part of your mind that can "let it go"
- By understanding all the different aspects of your own mind
- By learning what, why and how they do what they do… And that you can control it… You just need to learn how!
- By learning how to let go of the emotional sting caused by your unpleasant memories!
- By learning to become your own therapist!
- Because if you don't… Nothing will change!
- You'll be stuck with the problem
- If nothing changes… Nothing changes…
- The only thing in life you really do have the power to change is… Your Mind!
It's your mind - Own it! Know it! Use it! Love it!
...and it'll love you back!
You've been told you just need to learn to "let it go" - but did anyone ever tell you
to let it go?
is it exactly that you need to learn to "let go" of?
The Effective Closure Program not only teaches you " how to let it go ", it also explains exactly what it is you need to let go of, why you need to let it go, and what happens if you don't " let it go ".
You won't just talk about "letting it go"… You will understand the process, and you'll actually do it for yourself, by yourself...
- Without the stigma of therapy...
- Without the need to talk to anybody else about it!