It's Not Optional... It's Mandatory!

Memories are like movies in your mind!

A conclusion - Effective Closure - is a vitally important component of a memory… without a conclusion, the memory is incomplete… It's not over, nor is it done with!

To complete the memory so it can be over, you need to give the memory a conclusion - Closure - Give the story an ending! To complete the memory so it's not just over… but 'over and done with' you need to give the memory - the story - an accepted conclusion…

You need Effective Closure!

A memory is like a movie stored in your mind…

Some of your past traumatic memories are more like horror movies that just keep continually being replayed in the movie theatre in your mind… and you always have the best seat in the house!

We would much prefer to watch re-runs of happy movies, comedies, love stories…But horror movies? Watching horror movies is… horrific; Especially when you have the starring role!

Exactly who is controlling the movie projector in the theatre in your mind? Not you, that’s for sure! Your unconscious mind – the part of your mind that stores your memories – is controlling the movie projector!

How can you convince it to play happy movies… Ones you’d prefer to watch instead of just replaying your own ‘horror movies’ back at you, over and over again?

You’d like to be able to just get out of your seat and leave the cinema… but alas, you can’t! This theatre goes with you wherever you go.

You can’t escape the cinema in your mind, but you can…

Change the movies you watch!

How good would it be if we could just sneak into the room where the movies are stored, and throw away the ones we don’t like to watch? That would be…awesome!

Great news: There is a way we can throw away our old horror movies, and start watching happy movies…But it requires an understanding of your whole mind, and…

The Effective Closure Technique!

In order to convince your unconscious mind to play movies you’d prefer to watch rather than simply replaying your old horror movies, you need to understand one of the most fundamentally important components of any movie… The End!

A movie always has an ending… If a movie doesn’t have a formal conclusion… the
final scene will include the words… To be continued… The movie hasn’t actually ended. There will be a sequel!

We prefer movies that have a happy, acceptable, heart-warming ending. But a movie with an unhappy ending is better than a movie with no ending at all!

Horror movies don’t generally have a happy ending… but at least they have an ending! If a memory doesn’t have an ending; a formal conclusion… then it hasn’t actually ended. Therefore, just like a movie without a formal conclusion, it’s
going… To be continued!

We prefer memories with an ending that leaves us feeling uplifted, inspired, pleased and grateful that we have had the experience. Just like we prefer movies with a happy, acceptable ending. We want the ‘hero’ to be the hero… not the villain. We want a reason to like the movie!

A memory with an unhappy ending, like a horror movie, is better than a memory with no ending at all!

Closure brings the memory to an end. But…

If we don’t get a happy, acceptable ending…

There will be a sequel!

The memory will be repeated until we get a happy ending, or at the very least, an ending that is acceptable to your unconscious mind.
Effective Closure brings the memory to a happy conclusion. One that's acceptable to your unconscious mind. This means…

The memory, just like a movie with an acceptable conclusion, is no longer... To Be Continued!

There won't need to be a sequel: History will stop repeating! Which means...

You get to live happily ever after… The End!

If you want to stop watching horror movies in your mind… Learn the Effective Closure Technique…

Coming soon to a Computer Screen near you!

It ain't over until everyone wins and no-one loses

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