It's Not Optional... It's Mandatory!

The Problem

It’s not the events we experience – but how we experience them and where we store the memories that cause the problems!

Have you ever been...

Unfortunately, these are all too common experiences. To a greater or lesser degree, they are all… traumatic!

These events, and every event you ever experienced are stored in your unconscious mind as… memories!

Have you ever felt…

Your experience creates your feelings.

All unpleasant experiences result in unpleasant feelings. These feelings may very well be “common”… 

But to a greater or lesser degree, they are all… traumatic!

They are all feelings most of us have felt at some time in our life.

“Common” feelings we would prefer not to feel… Feelings we go to extreme lengths to avoid!

We avoid the feelings by hiding them!

Feelings are an unavoidable part of a memory. When we put a memory out of our mind, we are no longer aware of the memory, or the feelings associated with the memory.

It appears as though when we ‘forget’ a memory we also ‘forget’ the feelings.

The feelings and the memory go into a different part of our mind! Appearances can be extremely deceptive…

We still have both the memory and the feelings...

We're just no longer aware of them!

This creates a huge problem...

The part of your mind where memories are stored is still reacting to the feelings...

and we don't even realise it!

As an example:

If you were to recall a happy pleasant memory, you’ll feel… happy! You’ll also experience the corresponding physiological reactions… The intensity of the physiological reaction will be determined by the intensity of the feeling. If you feel mildly happy, the likely physiological reaction could simply be a smile. If you feel extremely happy, you might jump for joy!

If you recall a sad memory, you’ll feel… sad! You’ll also experience the corresponding physiological reaction. Mild feelings of sadness result in a mild physiological reaction; tears. Extreme feelings of sadness create an extreme physiological reaction…Sobbing and crying uncontrollably.

You put a memory out of your mind by forgetting about it.

Once ‘forgotten’ you'll no longer feel the corresponding feeling , or experience the physiological reaction.

If you were to then recall the memory once again, you’ll also recall the corresponding feeling, and the corresponding physiological reaction!

You need to stop the reactions that you didn't realise you were having!

Learn how at an E.C.T. seminar.

Reactions come in different forms...

Mental health issues are both mental and emotional reactions... an emotional reaction is… a feeling!

Feelings are... Emotional Reactions!

The feelings and associated reactions "appear" to be the problem...

BUT... They're NOT really the problem!

The problem is never problem... It just looks like the problem!

Nothing happens for no reason... What causes the feelings?

The feelings are the result of ...

Our point of view, causes our feelings, which then cause...

Mental, physical, and/or emotional... reactions... which means...

Our point of view is the real problem!

Just like feelings, our point of view is an inescapable and unavoidable component of a memory. Some of the events we have experienced during our lives have been… difficult. Some – incredibly challenging. Others – downright traumatic!

The point of view we formed as a result of some of our experiences is the real problem. The point of view created the feelings, which caused the physical, mental and/or emotional reactions – The outcome of an event! They are at the heart of… 

If you want to...

You need to change your point of view!

Attached to each of your unpleasant memories… Is an unpleasant point of view…Some of these are responsible for mental dis-ease!

Changing your point of view… Changes the feelings, which then…

Changes the outcome!

E.C.T. Helps change your point of view!... 

Which means…

E.C.T. changes the outcome

To end the problem, you need to understand the problem!

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